Online Class Enrolment
Activating online class enrolment allows you to setup online
enrolment so students can login into their portal and are able to choose which
classes/batches to enrol into and what times if multiple classes are provided
at different times.
To setup �Online Class Enrolment� simply log into
RTOmanager, once logged in you will arrive to the homepage as seen below in
figure 1
Figure 1
Simply click on the icon as marked by red box
as shown above in figure 1. You will then arrive at the page as seen below in
figure 2.
Figure 2
You are now at �Online Class Enrolment Activation� section.
From here you are going to setup which semester, term & the Start &
Finish enrolments dates are going to be. Simply select/enter the correct
Please Note: The Enrolment
Start & Finish Dates, simply mean when the online enrolment will
commence and when it will end, e.g. we have set the finish date as
25/04/2014, if students try to enrol into classes online on the 27/04/2014 they
will not be able to. Simply click on . You will see a green
successful message and your enrolment activation will be added below in the
list as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3
You can edit/delete any Enrolment Activations by simply
clicking on these icons as shown above in figure 3. .
Once you have setup the �Enrolment Activation� you
will now need to assign the course & subjects for which the students can
choose when enroling into classes online. From the page as shown above in
figure 3 under �Setup Menu� simply click on . You will
then be taken to the page �Set Up Courses and Subjects for Class Enrolment
Period� as shown below in figure 4.
Figure 4
From this page simply select the semester which you
previously activated, select the course and then tick the checkbox for the
subjects you wish to be available for students when they enrol into their
classes online. Then click on �as shown above in figure
4. You will then see a green confimation message informing you the subjects are
setup successfully as seen below in figure 5.
Figure 5.