15.5 Flexible Timetable Selection
From this menu, this will allow you to choose what days the
student can enrol for their classes, where suppose if student enrols without �Flexible
Timetable� based on the timetable setup the students e.g. will be
enrolled for 5 days for their batch, What flexible timetable allows is the
student can enrol in the same batch which runs for 5 days a week however this student
only needs to attend 3 days, you can simply select what days the student will
be enrolled into for this batch, hence why this is called Flexible Timetable.
Before proceeding, Please Note:
the course the students are enrolled into must first be setup to have �Flexible
Attendance� set as �YES�. Please refer to section 7.1 Manage
15.5.1����� Once
you have logged in to RTOmanager, go to the student profile page (of the
student of interest) as shown in figure 9.4.16a.
Figure 15.5a
15.5.2����� Click
icon �marked by red
box in the above figure 15.5a. You will go to the Students Results page
as shown in figure 15.5b
Figure 15.5b
15.5.3����� Now
click on this �icon as
indicated by red arrow shown above in figure 15.5b, you will see a new pop up
window page �Flexible Timetable Selection� like the one below in figure
Figure 15.5c
Please Note: Student
must be enrolled into batch first to be able to access and view the �Flexible
Timetable Selection� icon and section.
15.5.4��� As you can see in the above figure 15.5c, student
is enrolled into batch e.g. �NEW0123�, generally this class goes for 3
days a week. However what �Flexible timetable� allows is the students
once they are logged into the RTOmanager student portal they can see a similar
screen and are able to select which days,classes to enrol into. (Online Class
Enrolment will need to be setup and activated for students to have this option.
Please refer to
Moreover you as user can also manually select which days the
student will attend this class/batch for e.g. as highlighted in red above
student will be only attending class on Monday & Wednesday. Simply tick the
checkbox as seen above in figure 15.5c. Enter the Select Start & Finish
dates (Generally these dates are auto populated based on the classes/batches
duration.) Although you can enter in a specific Start & Finish dates.
Please Note: you cannot enter in dates
that go beyond the class duration. Once all Information is Selected/Entered
simply click on. You will a
message confirming you have successfully enrolled the student into the classa
as seen below in figure 15.5d
You can edit/delete the �Timetable Selected� from the
class list by simply clicking on these icons �as
shown above in figure 15.5d