17.2 AVETMISS Report Data (Generation)
You can use this interface to export the NSW ATTP
(Apprenticeship and Traineeship Training Program) or SSP (Strategic Skills
Program) data and submit initial, mid or completion list of students. To do
this, follow the instructions below:
17.2.1��� Go
to the home page of RTOmanager and click icon
as shown in figure 17.2a. You will go to AVETMISS reporting interface as shown
in figure 17.2b.
Figure 17.2a
Remember: You must have Admin
access to generate AVETMISS report.
Figure 17.2b
17.2.2��� Select
AVETMISS for State if you want to generate data for State specific
submission purpose as shown in figure 17.2b. This selection will bring all
course offer intake in the State. (You also have option to select AVETMISS
for National if you want to generate data for National Submission Purpose).
17.2.3��� Similarly,
select Final Report (Yearly) as shown in figure 17.2b. (You also have option to
choose Interim Report Monthly or Interim Report by Specific Period as
per your need.
17.2.4��� Select
the Year Collection and State from the drop down menu as in
figure 17b.
Note: Please note the
version of AVETMISS applied at the right hand side of Select Year Collection
in figure 17.2b.
17.2.5��� Check
you intend to report only those students for specific purposes like Government
funding, epayments etc.
17.2.6��� Finally
click �or
export to either Text file or excel file respectively. The system will generate
a text or excel zip file as per your click as shown in figure 17.2c.
Figure 17.2c
17.2.7��� You
can now Open or Save the zipped data in you system.