From this menu you can create and add units for the subject.
Units are unit of competency that may be clustered into subject or module. To
add units to the subject follow the instruction below:
Click Courses>Manage Units as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1
Enter/select subject name, unit code, VET Unit Code, unit type, field
of education, delivery mode, scheduled nominal hours, tuition fees, module/ unit
flag, VET flag and AVETMISS as shown in figure 7.4a.
If the unit code that you are looking to add is not
in the drop down list then you can create a new one by clicking Unit
Code>scroll down to end> �� New�. VET Unit Code is an extra
code for Unit Code. The purpose of VET Unit Code is to handle the situation
when the Unit Code changes (as per government regulation or any way) so that
you can still generate the transcript with the old Unit Code and the New Code
(which is referred to as VET Unit Code above).�
Finally click in figure1. Recently added
unit will be linked to the subject ADM01: adm01 Subject Cluster
as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2
�To Edit/Delete a unit, locate the unit of your interest.
Example: Unit for budget and forecast as shown in figure 2 and click �/ .