    Edit Profile
    Changing Password
    Reset Security Question and Answers
    Manage Documents
 Admin& Setup
    RTOmanager Setup
       College Info
       Course Type
       Enrol Fee
       OSHC Information
       Added Service Info
       Offer Document Checklist
       Agent Document Checklist
       Agent Status
       Country List
       Language list
       Student ID Format
       Certificate ID Format
       Result Grade
       Intervention Strategy
       Setup Sections
       Checklist Setup
       Additional Student Details
    Manage Calender
       Manage Semester
       Manage Semester Divisions
       Course-Calendar Type
    Manage Training Location-Room
       Manage Venue
       Manage Room
    View Log
    Manage Reports
    Improvement Register
    Validate Prism
       Prism Validation Setup
    Setup Permissions
       Set Permission to User
       Page Permission
    Manage Employer
 Course Setup
    Manage Course
    Manage Subject
    Manage Course Subject
    Manage Units
    Manage Course Initial-Upfront Fee
    Intake Dates
    Public-College Holidays
    Course Promotion
       Course Promotion
       Elicos Discount Week
    Training Plan Template
    Course Template
       Add Course Template
       Set Course Template Inactive
       Set Unit Structure
       Delete Template
       Default Template
 Teacher Management
    Manage Teachers
       View-Delete Existing Teachers
          View-Edit Teachers Profile
          Send Email to Teacher
          Send SMS to Teacher
          Trainer Matrix
          Teachers Timetable
          Teacher Diary
          View-Upload-Download Teacher Documents
    Add New Teacher
    Teacher Matrix
 Timetable Management
    Manage Timetable
       Edit-Delete Class Timetable
       Set Class Timetable Break
       Create Assessments For Selected Class
       Default Timetable
    Timetable Report
    Replacement Teacher -Assign Replacement Teachers
    Print Attendance List
    View Timetable
    Manage Assessment Group
    New Timetable Option
 Attendance management
    Daily Attendance Roll
    Attendance Summary
    Edit Attendance Hour
    Bulk Attendance
 Academic Progress-Assessment Management
    Set up Assessment Task
    Task Entry -Setting up Assessment Marking and Weighting f
    Tasks Results Entry -Enter Student Results
    Transfer Results
    Transfer Results By Unit
 Finance-Accounts Management
    Student Payments
       Initial Payment -Creating Schedule and Processing Payment
       Modifying Payments -Both Schedules and their Payments
       Pay Schedule Fee
       Generate Student Invoice
       Statement of Attainment
          User Log In
          Home Page
          Student Payment Homepage
          Student-Course Info
       Generate Agent Invoice
       Generate Student Receipt
       Generate Agent Receipt
       Payment Refund
       Miscellaneous Payments
       Service Payments
       Transfer Payment
       Refund History
       Student Scholarship
       Agent Commission
       Reverse Transaction Reverse Payment
       Combine Invoice
    Agent Payment
       Payment History
       Process Commission
       Agent Search
    Bank Reconciliation
    Staff Timesheet
       View Extra Activity Timesheet
       View Teacher Payment
    Account setup
       Ledger Value
       Define Level Activity
       Setup Staff level
       Setup Payment Mode
       Generate Invoice
       Employer Invoice
       Provider Payment
 Marketing & Sales
    Agent Management
       View Agent List
          Edit Agent Profile
          View-upload-download agent documents
          Disable Agent
          Create User name for Agents
    Add Agent
    Agent Commission
    Agent Communication Log
    Agent Mailing List
 CRM -Customer Relationship Management
    CRM Home
    Leads Home View Leads-Modify Leads-Delete Leads
       Add New Lead
       Bulk Email
       Bulk SMS Sending
       Convert Leads
       Apply Advanced Filter
    Monthly Target
    Marketing Campaign
    Set Up
       Lead Source
       Career Interest
       Leads Status
       Delivery Type
       Delivery Location
       Course Subject
       Preferred Contact Method
       Know From
    Assign Staff
    Mailing List
    SMS Notification
    Manage News and Reminder
    Survey Management
       Survey- Questions Management
       Survey- Forms Activation
       Results -Not Send Request
       Results-Send Request
       Invite Student to Submit Survey
    Communication Log
    Offers -Creating & Managing Offer Letters
       Apply Online By Admin
    Offers Manage
       View-Edit This Application Details
       Approve Offer Letters
       Generate Student ID
       Offer Checklist
       Reserve Student ID
       Preview Offer Letter before Approval
       Send Mail
       Pending Offer Letter
       Agent Payment Invoice
       Upfront fee Schedule
    Apply short Courses
    Offer Mailing List
    Generate Invoice
 Students Management
    Create User Account
    Reset Password
    Delete Student Account
    Students Profile
       Edit-View Course
          Add New Course
             Add Subjects to the Course
       SMS-Short Message Service
       Student Result
       Defer -Courses
       Diary-Communication Log
       Upload-Student Documents
       Student Picture
       Student Card
       OSHC Information-Overseas Health Cover
       Search -Student Search
       Training Plan
          Traineeship Visit Activity Log
          Traineeship Assessment
       VET FEE Help
       Send Letter
       Group Management
          Set Up Intake Group
          Assign Student to Group
          Bulk Enrolment by Group
          Bulk Enrolment by Subject
       Flexible Timetable Selection
       Manage Orientation
 Material Management
    View Document
    Manage College Materials
    Generating Reports
    Report Filter
    AVETMISS Setup
       Student Course Enrolment-AVETMISS Claim
       Student Results
    AVETMISS Report Data -Generation
       AVETMISS Reporting Export NSW
    Service Management
       Service Fee Setup
       Provider Set up
       Allocate Provider
       Email Template-SMS Template
       Create a New Letter template
 Staff and User Management
    Add Staff
    View Staff List
    View-Edit Staff Profile
    View-Upload-Download Staff Documents
    Deactivate the Staff
       Manage Student Account Reset-Lock-Delete
       Bulk Student User Account
       Bulk Student Account Management
    View-Add Intervention
    Bulk Completion Update
    Traineeship Visits
    Generate Bulk Certificate
 Letter Template
    Setup Extra Parameter
    Create a New Letter template
    Edit-Changes of Template Configuration, Delete, Preview
 Manage Contract Schedule
    Course Site
 Online Class Enrolment
 USI Integration
    RTOManager USI Integration REQUIREMENTS
    Login to Your RTOManager site
    Student USI Verification Process
    GENERATE Student USI
    RTOManager Student Portal

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9.4.18 Payment ()

Payment section allows you to record various types of payments made by students to the college or institute such as student fees, service payments, OHSC (overseas health cover), enrolment fee, material fee and printing fee. This section also allows you to view student payment history, their individual payment transactions and refund made to student. To work with student payments follow the instructions below: Please follow all the payment procedure in section 14.0 Accounts>Student since the payment procedure is same as explained in section 14.0 Accounts.



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