From this menu you can search student doing particular
course and then add the student to the group created above. This page also
allows you to remove the student from the group as well. To do this, follow the
instruction below:
Once you have logged in to RTOmanager, hover your mouse over the Compliance
tab then click on Group Management. Then click the Assign Student to
Group sub menu under compliance tab and the page will be displayed as
shown in figure 15.4a below
�Figure 15.4a
Here you can search for your created group and then get the
student list that are not assigned to this group based on the from start date �
To start date Select Year 2014, Select Group ID (as
created above, eg. DIP_2014). This will automatically bring in the course for
that group. Then select the boundary start dates (to bring the entire student
whose start date comes during boundary dates). Then Click Not assigned
radio button.
This will bring all the student who are not assigned any
group for the selected course, and you can then check and assign, as shown in
figure 15.4b
Figure 15.4b� You can then select students from the list which
you want to assign to this group by selecting the check box next to each
student and then click . System will
then assign student to the group as shown in figure 15.4c
Figure 15.4c� You can view the list of student that are assigned
to this group by just clicking the Assigned radio button . This will
show the student linked with this group as shown in figure 15.4d below
Figure 15.4d
In figure 15.4d,
you can delete the student from the group (if you want to change student group)
by checking the student and then clicking the �button.
This will remove the student from the selected group and move to not assigned
group. If
you could not find the student list on the boundary dates but know the
studentid and want to add to this group, then you can select the Search
group by Student option on the page as shown below in figure 15.4e
Figure 15.4e
When the
above link is clicked then it will show a pop up window and ask user to enter
the studentid and press Search button.
Figure 15.4f
Enter the
student id and click Search. This will bring the student and shows the group
currently linked with. If no group then it will show accordingly
Figure 15.4g
You can then
change the group from the drop down selection and click on �to add/update
the group
Figure 15.4h
System then
will assign the group selected to the student for that course.
Figure 15.4i