From this menu you can record and view the communications
log for the agent. To do this, follow the instructions below:
11.4.1��� Once
you have logged in to RTOmanager, hover your mouse over marketing main
menu and click Agent Comm Log as shown in figure 11.4a.
You will go to Manage Agent Communication Log page as shown in figure
Figure 11.4a
Figure 11.4b
11.4.2 Select
the Agent from the drop down menu for e.g. ABC Agency as shown in
figure 11.4b. All the communication history for the agent will appear in the
list as shown in figure 11.4b
11.4.3 To
add another communication log for the agent, select agent, status from the drop
down menu.
11.4.4 Write
Comment/Log as shown in figure 11.4b.
11.4.5 Finally,
click in figure 11.4b.
Recently added communication logs will appear in the list as shown in figure
Figure 11.4c
Simply click on theicon as shown above
in figure 11.4c if you wish to modify the Comm Log. However you can only edit
the Comment/Log section.