From this menu you can set up intervention strategy based on
your policies and procedures. Intervention strategy refers to college
attempts/endeavours to identify, record and intervene student for academic
progress, counselling for any identified issue, counselling to secure better
grades, counselling to reduce absence. To do this, follow the instructions
below:� Click
Admin>RTOmanager Setup>Intervention Strategy as shown in figure 4.1.15a.
Here you can add the Intervention type and Intervention Strategy that can be
selected on the Student Intervention page. By default list of all intervention
types and strategy is displayed as shown within red boxed area in figure below.
Figure 4.1.15a� To
add new intervention type & strategy, enter/Select Intervention
Type for e.g. Academic Progress as shown in figure 4.1.15b.
Figure 4.1.15b� Enter
Strategy for e.g. Academic Counselling as shown in figure 4.1.15b.� Finally
click. Your recently added
information will appear in the list as shown within red boxed area figure 4.1.15c.
Figure 4.1.15c To delete an Intervention Type simply click
on the �icon as shown above
in figure 4.1.15c