Manage Course subject allows you to add subjects to the
course. To add subjects to the course follow the instructions below:
7.3.1 Once you have logged in to
RTOmanager, click Courses>Manage Course Subject as shown in figure
7.3a. By default list of all subjects for the one of the course will be
displayed. Below course BSB41101: Certificate IV in Business Management is
displayed in the list as shown in figure as an example.
Figure 7.3a
You may select different course from the drop down menu as
shown within green area in figure 7.3a to view its subjects.
7.3.3����� Select
the course for which you want to add subject. Example: Certificate III in
Micro Business Operations as shown within green area in figure 7.3a.
Select the subject which you want to add to the course. Example: adm01
subject cluster as shown within blue area in figure 7.3a.
Select the value for stage. Example: 1 as shown in figure 7.3a. Stage
refers to order in which the students should study the course. Example:� stage
1 could have 3 subjects, stage 2 could have 3 subjects, and stage 3 could have
4 subjects.� Students normally enrol for multiple subjects at any given time
hence depend upon the RTO policy.
Select Type whether to have the subject as a Core which
means a student must do this subject and the other option is Elective
which means that this subject is not compulsory to do, however students can
choose to do it or not.
Enter a Subject Fee e.g. 100, if there Is no cost simply leave it
blank or you can enter 0 as the amount, which will look like below in figure
7.3b, entering nothing will say �Not Specified� as seen below.
Figure 7.3b
Enter EFTSL Study Load, this is regarding VET FEE HELP, if this
is not applicable per your requirements simply enter 0.
You can choose to have this subject active immediately by ticking the
check box Set Active or otherwise if you would like to have it inactive
simply uncheck this option, the subject will still be added to the course but
not available until set as active again.
7.3.10 You
can choose to have this subject Included on the Certificate or not by
simply ticking or un-ticking the checkbox for Include in Certificate.
You may only want 2 or 3 subjects to appear on the certificate but still want
students to complete/study 10 subjects. This option is very useful in this
matter, please refer above in figure 7.3a
7.3.11 Finally
click �as in figure 7.3a.� Your
recently added subject (Business Networking) will appear in the list as shown
in figure 7.3c.
Figure 7.3c
To Edit/Delete a subject, locate the subject of your
interest. Example: Manage people performance and click �/ as
shown in figure 7.3c.�
Please note: You can only edit/modify the fields as
shown below highlighted in red box in figure 7.3d. Then simply click theicon to save changes.
Figure 7.3d