From this menu you can setup the upfront fee payable by the
student and also the date and due amount of each instalment of the course fee
payable by the student. To do this, follow the instructions below:
Once you have logged in to RTOmanager, click offers. By default you will
go to the offer manage page as shown in 8.2.10a.
Figure 8.2.10a Click Search as shown in figure above. By
default a list of all applications (not converted to student yet) appears in
the list as shown in figure 8.2.10b.
8.2.10b Find the student for whom you want to create Upfront Fee Schedule.
Example: John Doe as shown in figure above and clickicon as
marked by red box in figure 8.2.10b. A pop up window appears as shown in figure
8.2.10c In
the figure above, please note that upfront fee payable by the student is 0.00
and remaining fee to schedule is 8400.00. Enter the instalment
Start date, number of instalment (depends upon how you want the student to
pay the course fee) and frequency as shown in figure 8.2.10c.
Finally click in figure 8.2.10c.
Upfront fee schedule will be generated as shown by circle in figure 8.2.10d.
You can delete/update instalments by simply clicking
on the/ icon. Can also add
additional Installments by clicking on the icon.
Please note: you cannot add schedules
that go over the �Remaning Fee To Schedule�