From this menu you can set up news and events, reminders,
announcements and link with various user roles, student list by class, course
and statuses.
10.3.1��� Once
you have logged in to RTOmanager, There are two ways to access the �Manage
News&Reminder� page. One option is simply click Communications>Manage
News & Reminders sub menu as shown in figure 10.3a. Or option
two which is hover your mouse on the Communication Tab then select �Manage
News&Reminder� from the drop down. You will go to Manage
News/Reminder Page as shown in figure 10.3b.
Figure 10.3a
Figure 10.3b
10.3.2��� Click News and events or Reminder as
shown in figure 10.3b.
10.3.3��� Type the heading of the News or Reminder for e.g. Sports
Carnival as shown in figure 10.3b.
10.3.4��� Type
the main body of the News/events or Reminder as shown in figure 10.3b.
10.3.5��� Enter
Display period as shown in figure 10.3b. It means that the news/event or
Reminder will only be available to view within these two dates.
10.3.6��� Select
announcement as yes or no as shown in figure above. �Announcement when selected as Yes will
pop up and display the news/events or Reminder to
the user upon login by the user, where as when selected No will only
show as news and events /Reminder in the home page section.
10.3.7��� Select
recurring interval as once only or if the based upon selection
as shown in figure.
10.3.8��� Finally
click �in figure
10.3b. A green message will confirm that the news/events have been added to the
system as shown in figure 10.3c.
Figure 10.3c
10.3.9 Once you have added the news and events or reminders
then you require to assign the news and events/reminder to a particular user or
group of users based upon different selection criteria. For this you can click
the icon as
indicated by red arrow as shown in below figure 10.3d. This will open another
window for purpose of linking the news to users.
Figure 10.3d
10.3.10 The below figure 10.3e you can choose the list of
options available to select users by class, by course, by user and by role.
Figure 10.3e
Once you selected the relevant information simply click . You will then
see a green confirmation message indicated you have successfully assigned as
seen below in figure 10.3f
Figure 10.3f
You can also delete the assigned class by simply clicking
theicon as shown
above in figure 10.3f
Tip: To assign access
to different options like the following; Class, Course, User & Role, simply
select them from the drop down menu as highlighted in red box below in figure
10.3g, Each option will give you different search criteria.
You can also only assign 2 students or users to only see
this news/event or reminder depending on which �Assign Access To� you
select from the drop down menu. To do this you simply need to select� No - �This will show
you students/users as seen below in figure 10.3f. simply tick the checkbox for
the students/users you wish to only see this message then click . If you would
like to show this news/reminder to all students and users simply select Yes
Figure 10.3g