15.9�� Generate Bulk Certificate
This menu allows user to create certificate
(student) in bulk instead of creating one by one by going to individual student
profile. To understand this, follow the instructions below:
15.9.1��� Hover your mouse under Compliance main menu and click
Generate Bulk Certificate as shown in figure 15.9a.
Figure 15.9a
15.9.2��� Enter/select all relevant information in figure 15.9a and
click View.
15.9.3��� Select the students of your interest by clicking the check
boxes whose certificate you want to generate and click button which is at the top right hand side
of the page as in figure 15.9a. A Generate Bulk Certificate window will
pop up on the screen as in figure 15.9b.
This �icon allows you
to �Preview� the certificate for the student before generating.
Figure 15.9b
15.9.4��� Finally click Generate to PDF button in figure 15.9b to
generate the bulk certificate.