You can make your staff�s status active or inactive
depending upon their status. Example: You might want to deactivate the staff,
if any staffs go on long service leave. To deactivate the staff, follow the instructions
5.5.1����� Once you have logged in to RTOmanager, click
Staff as shown in figure 5.5a. By default list of all staff appears as
shown in figure 5.5a
Figure 5.5a
5.3.2����� Find the staff whose status you want to
deactivate. Example: Principal Admin as marked by red circle in figure
5.5a. Click �icon, a pop
up message box appears on the screen as shown in figure 5.5b to confirm the
Figure 5.5b
5.3.3����� Click OK to deactivate for a temporary
period. The staff will be deactivated and you will receive a message of
confirmation as shown in figure 5.5c.
To activate the staff again you just need to reverse the
process. Find the staff you want to activate and follow steps 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 to