From this menu you can view logs of any modification and changes
made to the database by any user. This section allows access to track the
changes that have been carried out at various elements of the system such as
student details, student course details, results, attendance. To do this,
follow the instructions below:
4.6.1����� Click Admin>View Log as shown in figure
Figure 4.6.1a
4.6.2����� Select
your criteria from the drop down menu as shown within red boxed area in figure
Figure 4.6.1b
4.6.3����� Finally
click. Lists of available logs will appear
in the red boxed area as shown in figure 4.6.1c.
Figure 4.6.1c
4.6.4����� Similarly you can select any available criteria
from the drop down menu and generate log as described in previous steps.
4.6.5 You can export the log result in excel format by
simply clicking on the Export button as seen below in figure 4.6.1d.
Figure 4.6.1d
Tip: The Export button
will only be visible once you click view.