There are times when a payment refund has to be made to the
students and agents due to various reasons. Example: �visa not granted,
students� withdrawal from the course, we need to understand how to refund
student fees and how it effects the agent�s commissions. Follow the
instructions below to refund the student fees. Go
to the student payment summary page as shown in figure 14.1.8a.
Click icon indicated
by red arrow in figure 14.1.8a. You will go to the payment refund page as shown
in figure 14.1.8b.
Note: The blue
arrow in figure 14.1.8a indicates that Transaction No. 204 is the payment of
schedule whose InvID is 360.
Figure 14.1.8b
Enter/select all the necessary payment refund details in figure 14.1.8b. Figure
14.1.8b should now appear as shown in figure 14.1.8c.
Note: In figure 14.1.8c, administration
cost is the cost for processing this refund which is charged to the
student. You should also check your policy to claim refund of commission paid
to your agent.
After confirming all the refund details, clickin figure
14.1.8c. Your payment will be refunded as shown in figure 14.1.8d. Now when you
go to the student payment summary page you can see that the previous
payment has been restored. Total fee paid appears as 0 and amount refunded appears
as $2000 as shown in figure 14.1.8e. In figure 14.1.8e, also observe the flag
which indicates the refunded transaction.
Figure 14.1.8d
You can at any time edit/delete the refunded amount by
clicking / icon as
shown in figure. 14.1.8d
Figure 14.1.8e