4.10.3 Page Permission
From this menu you can restrict student from accessing certain
page as a whole. To understand this, follow the instructions below:��������� Click
Admin>Setup Permissions> as shown in figure below. You will go to the
page as in figure 4.10.3a.
Figure 4.10.3a��������� Click
icon in
figure 4.10.3a. You will go to the Page Permission Setup page as in
figure 4.10.3b.
Figue 4.10.3b��������� Select
the permission (for e.g. Deny Student To View Attendance) and permission type
(for e.g. Role) as in figure 4.10.3b. Please Note:
you can apply the permission to students who are �Overseas Student�, by
clicking the checkbox for �Student Origin�.��������� Once
done, click to save
the permission settings.
Your new �Applied Permission� will now appear in the
list as seen below in figure 4.10.3c along with a green confirmation message.
Figure 4.10.3c
You can also
edit/delete permissions simply by clicking on the ��icons as
shown above in figure 4.10.3c.