From this menu you can add/delete country list which will
later be used by the system while generating offer letters. However the system
will populate the entire possible country list from the AVETMISS text file. To
set up country list, follow the instructions below: Click Admin>RTOmanager
Setup>Country List as shown as shown in figure 4.1.9a. The list of all
available country names will be displayed as shown the figure below.
Figure 4.1.9a To add a new
country in the list, enter the name of the country, Nationality, country code
Region, country level and ABS value in figure 4.1.9a and click. By clicking / icons you can edit/delete the existing Country Name
as shown below figure 4.1.9b. You can edit the fields which are highlighted in
red, then simply click the green tick arrow to save changes as seen in figure
Figure 4.1.9b
In figure 4.1.9a, Country level is a key for grouping
countries. For example: if you want to group 5-6 countries in to one group
depending upon their similarities, you will select the same country level for
all the countries. You can also use the View/Filter By search option to
find specific countries or regions from the drop down menu such as ABS Value,
Country, Country Level & Region. Then simply click search
�You should set up country list
before using your RTOmanager.