From this menu you can directly search the student by their
id without having to go to the student management Page (if you know the student
ID) to view his/her profile. To do this, follow the instructions below: Once
you have logged in to RTOmanager and you are already at some student�s profile
page as shown in figure below, click Students as shown by arrow 1 in
figure 9.4.14a.
Figure 9.4.14a Click �icon
as shown in figure 9.4.14a. A pop up box appears and prompt you to enter
student ID as shown in figure 9.4.14b
Figure 9.4.14b Enter any student ID. Example: 20100004 of
your interest as shown in figure 9.4.14b and click search. You will go
to the student profile page of the above student ID as shown in figure 9.4.14c
Figure 9.4.14c
Please observe that you were previously in the student
profile page of the student whose ID was 20100044 but now you have come to
student profile page of the student whose ID is 20100004.